Sunday, January 17, 2010

Differences between Guys & Girls

Went shopping with Mr BF for his new year clothes yesterday and i was super x542316874 pissed off. Here's the differences between shopping with a guy(My BF) and a girl(My GF):

1. Trying Clothes

He was so lazy to try clothes and tends to buy what he THINKS that suits him. I had a hard time getting him to try the clothes. Grrr!

The more, the better! We always take many pieces of clothing to try and won't complain that it's troublesome.

2. Going extra mile

Like i mentioned in #1, i find that most guys will just go into the shop, get what they want and leave the shop.

We don't mind going extra mile for more shops because we want to compare as we always worry that the next one will be cheaper or nicer. =P

Well, that's what i think. But don't you agree? =D

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